DGS Corpus is a long-term project of the Academy of Sciences in Hamburg for the documentation of and research on German Sign Language (DGS). The aim is to collect sign language texts from Deaf people and to present parts of them as a public corpus. During the project term of 15 years, a corpus-based electronic DGS – German dictionary will be developed. The corpus is meant to be representative for the everyday language of Deaf people all over Germany.
The DGS Corpus project is carried out at the Institute for German Sign Language and Communication of the Deaf at Hamburg University. The project is financed by the joint research funding of the German Federal Government and Federal States in the Academies’ Programme, with funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.

Marc Schulder
Research Associate in Computational Linguistics
My research interests include sign languages, natural language processing, and open science.
This data statement of the Public DGS Corpus provides information relevant to judging the nature of the language content of the corpus. It covers how the corpus was curated, specifies the language varieties it covers, and provides demographic information for participants and annotators. It also describes the technical and sociological conditions under which the language data was recorded as well as its topical characteristics. The data statement provides a general overview, supported by references to a variety of publications that cover individual topics in more detail.
Das DGS-Korpus-Projekt erstellt ein Referenzkorpus der Deutschen Gebärdensprache (DGS) und macht mit dem Öffentlichen DGS-Korpus und dem korpusbasierten Wörterbuch der DGS diese Sprache in ihrer Vielfalt öffentlich zugänglich. Um den verschiedenen Nutzungsaspekten gerecht zu werden, stehen die Daten des Öffentlichen Korpus in drei verschiedenen Portalen zur Verfügung. Inhalte des Wörterbuchs werden bereits als Vorabeinträge veröffentlicht. Der Artikel gibt einen Überblick über die Inhalte und Funktionen der drei Portale sowie des Wörterbuchs, die untereinander verlinkt sind.
The Hamburg Notation System, HamNoSys for short, is a system for the phonetic transcription of signed languages. The TeX package hamnosys makes the HamNoSys font available in TeX documents.