
Data Statement for the Public DGS Corpus (v3)
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This data statement of the Public DGS Corpus provides information relevant to judging the nature of the language content of the corpus. It covers how the corpus was curated, specifies the language varieties it covers, and provides demographic information for participants and annotators. It also describes the technical and sociological conditions under which the language data was recorded as well as its topical characteristics. The data statement provides a general overview, supported by references to a variety of publications that cover individual topics in more detail.

Specification for the Harmonization of Sign Language Annotations
Diese Publikation ist nur auf Englisch verfügbar.



This document compiles information required for the joint use of several specific sign language corpora. It compares the annotations of 17 different corpora (some covering multiple languages) that include data for 17 signed languages. The comparison addresses annotation standards for manual and non-manual signs, describing their basic annotation format, formats for various specific phenomena and handshape coding approaches. This information is then used to formulate a strategy for the harmonization of these annotation standards that will result in a corpus-independent interchange format for the representation of all considered corpora.

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